In Boxing
Clever, what I have learnt mental and physical fitness, and at first it was
just a painful workout and it gradually got a lot better. Boxing Clever, I can
honestly say, as made me the man I am today...AMAZING!!!
Elisha Balansay
My name is
Elisha Balansay; Boxing Clever has changed my life, taught me life lessons and
most importantly showed me how to control my anger problems. Before I was
introduced into boxing clever, I was a really badly behaved student. I can
gladly say boxing clever has taught me how to improve in more ways than one.
Elias Surafer
Clever has helped me do something rather than hanging around on the streets. In
boxing classes Micky teaches self discipline and that if you get confronted to
have a fight, the first thing he says to do is run away. He also encourages
keeping all the fighting in the boxing ring.
Jake Cassey
clever teaches you to defend yourself, keeps you in school and focused. It also
helps you with your future because Mickey talks to you about your career. When
I first came I had never done boxing before, I kept at it and I’ve been here 4
years and I have one 4 trophies, boxing is really fun!
My name is Prapon Ahmed, I have been boxing for t years, I
first started boxing because I had anger problems and mu uncle recommended that
boxing will help me control it. Boxing clever has helped me stay out of trouble
and taught me self discipline and determination. In 200 I won the boxing clever
trophy, this has boosted my confidence massively.