Working within Hibury Grove School

Michael working with kids at Highbury Grove school. Below is a photo gallery and some video footage of the Michael at work with the boys. The boys enjoyed these sessions tremendously and have learnt an awful lot from Michael, not only to do with boxing, but how to conduct themselves respectfully in and out of school.
Working within Northumberland Park Community School

It's been a pleasure to work at Northumberland Park Community School and I know the pupils and the teachers have enjoyed it too. It is boxing Clevers aim to help improve the eating habits as well as physical stature and respect. I believe Boxing Clever and the Schools I have worked at have proven this as we all come together to help
Working within Woodside High School

Michael has been working in Woodside high school for five years on a part time capacity delivering a boxing programme called "boxing clever" which is mentoring using the boxing discipline to help individual young pupils address individual needs.
Working within Westminster youth centers

Michael done numerous work in Westminster with Boxing Clever and as been welcomed quite warmly. He is professional in his manner and the way he conducts his duties.
This website was created by: Wayne Llewellyn for- and on behalf of- www.Boxing-Clever .org Copyright: 2012